Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby Steps

" A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Confucius

Well we have taken the first step. Jaime and I have put in a tiny garden. I did not realize the yard is made up entirely of clay. The house is new and the builders did not put down any topsoil. Jaime and I dug and dug and carted off tons...Im not exagerating...tons of clay. After two days of this we called in the big guns. Brian ran a tiller through after we emptied bag after bag of topsoil. Nothing erks me more than to pay for dirt. I dont know where they got the expression "dirt cheap" cuz its anything but.This photo was two weeks ago. We put the containers around it to keep Noodle(the dog) out. You can see her footprints in the unmulched section. Noodle decided to practice her hurdles on the potted plants and we lost round one of us vs. the critters. Round two...Jaime and I put up a small fence on Sunday and so far its worked.

We have many of our veggies and such in pots because we will be moving soon...as soon as Brian and Jaime sell the house. The idea is to move into an older home in the town we plan to buy property in. More on that later.


Anonymous said...

oooo Noodle! haha! It looks really good! and nothing is cheap anymore! isn't it sad that u have to pay for dirt...seriously! but anyhow love the blog and the profile! I absolutely love the fact that u love working with ur hands. u love bein outdoors and what not. I wish i could be more like u. seriously..i love u!

Brandyn said...

Thats a good beginning...u need a tv show! Cant wait for the more to come....